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So much to be Thankful for...

Let's face it, 2018 hasn't exactly been an easy year. We witnessed more school shootings, mass shootings, racial tension, hate crimes, poverty, etc. I lost my Mom, something that continues to devastate me. It's easy to focus on the negative since we have it in our faces 24/7.

That's not what this blog entry is about. I want to focus on the positive. In today's world, fixating on the negative is easy. Doesn't require even lifting a finger. So, let's flex our muscles a bit and look at the other side of the coin. I'll start.

Today is my 23rd wedding anniversary! Yes, 23 years together. I can't imagine how he's done it... We've made it through years of painful infertility, to be rewarded with two beautiful, healthy children through the miracle of adoption. We've moved twice, the last being down her to North Carolina. More trips to Disney than I can remember (but that's another post). Going to nursing school and numerous job changes--more for me than him. And we're still here!!

I have two wonderful, healthy kids. My son started life as an 8 week preemie in an orphanage in Russia. He came home at 8 months weighing a little over 11 pounds. Yes, I said 11 pounds. He didn't make the American growth charts until he was over 5 years old. He gained in OUNCES for the first few years of his life. Yet, he's an honors student who plays soccer and eats everything in sight. I'll take that. My daughter had an easier start and continues to flourish, playing varsity soccer, excelling in her honors and AP classes, and choosing a university. Gulp!

And even though I lost my Mom to the dreaded Alzheimer's this year, I had her for 50 amazing years. She raised the three of us single handedly, at times working three jobs so that we could have a better life. She told me I could do anything I put my mind to. She made an amazing role model. And I owe her everything.

I am releasing my 5th book in a few weeks. 5th!! In under 2 years. That's something to be thankful about. And I have met the most amazing authors along the way!! I am so very thankful for their support, friendship, and camaraderie.

I have a roof over my head. My children have food to eat and great healthcare.

We are healthy.

Everything else is icing on the cake. Wishing you and yours a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

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